Thursday, July 3, 2008

Distressed flowers and my friend Shirley

I had a good garden shopping trip today. Yesterday I had to get one brick to finish off the edging around our trees in front. Jordan came over and laid them for us. What a good job he did. It was just too much for Denny to do in this heat. So, while I was there, I saw a big rack of plants that were 50% off the marked down price because they were ‘distressed’. I got four plants yesterday for $1.50 each. So today I went back and got 10 more. Now I have to plant them! I have to figure out what side of the house has the most sun. Oh, all of the plants are perennials.
They don’t look distressed to me. Oh well, I’ll talk to them and that will perk them up!

Yesterday I was going to send a birthday note to one of my dearest co-workers, Shirley Cook, that I worked with at Meijer. We both took the early retirement. Well, she beat me to sending me a note. She is so funny. When we worked together, we sat next to each other. I know that she’s a couple of years younger than I am but I don’t know how many. She’s a very pretty woman and you would think from looking at her that she would be really dignified. NOT! She is just a barrel of fun. One time she found a dead mouse in her garage that the insides disinagrated so it was a hollowed out mouse but it looked so real. She put the mouse on my desk for me to find when I got back from training a new person. When I got back, I had a pointer in my hand. I saw the mouse, cried out “eeeeeeek,” took the pointer and flipped the mouse off from my desk. Our supervisor, Colleen, happened to be walking by and the mouse hit her! She screamed, everyone came running and we all had the biggest laugh after Colleen picked herself off the floor! Just kiddin’. She was fine. I waited the rest of the day for her to bring Shirley and me empty boxes and be escorted out the door. It was always a scary thing to see. If a supervisor walked by with an empty box to someone’s desk, we knew it was to put all of the team member’s personal belongings in. Then we’d gossip the rest of the day to find out why the member was fired.
Shirley would bring things in to identify from our childhood days. She brought a roller-skate key in one day and, of course, the young people didn’t know what it was. Do you?
We had fun. We started a lot of cute things like everyone bringing in a picture of themselves when they were young and hanging the picture by their desks. It was really cool to see how people change in just a few years.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. To everyone who reads this, I hope you had a very happy 4th!

1 comment:

Casa De Cross @ Cribbage Flat Southwest said...

Nice post Jan! And yes, I know what a skate key is. Haven't seen one in like a hundred years tho!