Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things could Be Better!

Our temperature is better after two days of ice. It's in the 70s today and we have that beautiful Texas sunshine today. That's good. What's bad is the economy. People are losing jobs left and right. And we checked on our investments yesterday. Ouch!! We've lost 1/3 of our investments. Things have to get better! Hey, anyone know of a good viaduct to sleep under? Just kiddin', of course. We have to keep our sense of humor at times like these!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year

Today is the Chinese New Year and I want to say Happy New Year to my Chinese friends and all Chinese people in the world. "Sun nien fai lok. Gung hay fat choy."
And the postcard I received today is from China. It's a beautiful card of Bailyun Mountain and the Yuntai Grand Garden.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My postcrossing

You can see the cards that I receive and info about the postcrossing on my other blog. But I just want to say how exciting it is to get cards from all over the world. If you like to get postcards, you should try it out. And I'm corresponding with one of the ladies that I sent a card to that lives in Austria. It's very interesting to read about their country. She lives in the town that Arnold Swartzenegger was born. I didn't know that they have a stadium named after him.
Check out my blog and see the cards that I've received. Cool.

New President

We have a new president. Barach if you didn't know. I hope he does a good job as president. It will be a tough job for him but if the American people support him, he'll do O.K.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dallas is growing up!

Dallas decided that she doesn't want to sit in her highchair any more. So she has her own chair now and loves it. She can get off and on by herself and sit at the table with the rest of us. So cute. She's really starting to talk now. And she can start her movies by herself. She wants to help me with everything so mopping, dusting and sweeping takes a little longer. She's learning her ABC's and can identify a lot of letters. She's still a little stinker! And she's an artist with her own eisel.

Denny and his health

Denny got a call from his heart doctor the other day. They set up an appointment for him. I guess the monitor that is on his dresser sent info to the place that monitors his defribulator and let them know that his heart acted abnormally for a few minutes during the night before the callfrom the doctor. His doctor was notified that the defribulator did it's job and corrected the problem with his heart. Dr Blatt said that Denny was lucky he had the defibrulator! So, the next day he had an appointment with his regular physician, Dr Anthony. And guess what! Denny has to start taking insulin for his diabetes. Now, he's finally going to start eating the way he far that's what he says. But I think the doctore put the fear into him. Tonight when we go to Stringbean, he's going to eat soup and salad. Me? I'm probably going to have a salad too...but I'm going to have a piece of their delicious coconut cream pie. It's just delicious. When I told LB, my sister, she laughed because she was going to say the same thing. After all, it isn't our genes that are messed up! Denny, Randy and'd better be careful! You have the genes!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Michigan Weather

Oh, it's nice not to be in Michigan right now. They have -°. In December they only had 3% sunshine. I love the sunshine and we have plenty in TX. Today a friend of mine that lives on a lake in MI sent me this cute poem about Michigan weather. I thought I'd put it on my blog for anyone to see that used to live in Michigan and now lives in warmer places...or for those still living in Michigan. All I can do is quote Bob Barker "Come on down!"

It's winter here in Michigan
And the gentle breezes blow,
Seventy miles an hour,
At twenty five below.

Oh, how I love ole Michigan
When the snow's up to your butt.
You take a breath of winter
And your nose freezes shut.

Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around.
I could never leave my Michigan
Cause I'm frozen to the ground

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Golden Globe Awards

The Golden Globes were on TV Sunday evening. The best part is the 'red carpet' before the show. The show was boring in a way...the speeches were too long, as usual. I saw most of the movies that were up for awards. I didn't know which movie I'd want to win. I liked them all. Leonardo and Brad didn't get an award. I was disappointed that Leonardo didn't get it. He was fantastic in Revolutionary War. Great actor. I was glad to see Steven Spielberg win the Cecil B DeMille award.
What a bunch of great movies he's made over the years. He deserved it. I didn't see The Reader but I saw the rest of the movies that were up for best drama. I liked them all. I thought Sean Penn did a great job in Milk.

The movies, (not in catagories or winning awards) that I saw were:
In Bruges- I liked it
The Wrestler- I liked it.
Mamma Mia- Loved it
Burn After Reading- Loved it-bought the DVD (cheap on Ebay)
Vicky Cristina Barcellona- I liked it
Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Too long but I still liked it. Read the book.
Revolutionary War- Loved it
Frost/Nixon- I liked it
Milk- Liked it. Loved Sean Penn
Doubt- I liked it. Love the actors
Burn After Reading- Loved it
Slumdog Millionaire- Loved it
Tropic Thunder- Loved it
Dark Knight- Loved Heath Ledger
Wall-E- Didn't like it at all

I guess I need to watch more HBO. I only saw True Blood and I loved it.

That's it for the Golden Globe Awards. I wonder if any other movies will win the Academy Awards.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Knitters and Crocheters

I want to post this to find anyone that knits or crochets. If you've seen our blog, Joyceschemocaps.blogspot, you can see how we're doing with our project. It's interesting. But the infusion centers are calling us for more caps. It's getting where we can't keep up. If you live in our area or know someone who does and they knit or crochet, please have them check the blog to find out how to notify us. We'd sure like more help. Our project is really going well as far as making people happy receiving their free caps when they go for their chemo therapy.

Casino trip, Randy, Jobs

I went to Chactaw Tuesday. I brought $100.00 like I usually do. I bet you think I'm going to say that I won. Wrong. I lost $44.00. That's not bad. I didn't lose it all. And I had a real good time. That's what counts, folks. It's not what you lose in money, it's hanging out with friends that counts and enjoying yourself in retirement. Meanwhile, Randy is back to work. He went back Sunday. He's doing really good and he's even gained 6 pounds. Danielle went back to work too. She works with patients in dialysis. Randy works in security at Ft Bragg. He xrays the trucks that come on base.
So now we need more prayers for my son Denny. No, not medical. But with the economy the way it's going, he may lose his job. Things are getting tough all over. People losing their jobs everywhere. It's so sad. Fortunately, Texas is doing better than some states. Michigan, where we're from originally is not doing well at all in the job market. And to top it all off, not only are jobs scarce, so is the sunshine. That's what I like about Texas. The sun shines almost every day!

Friday, January 2, 2009

A favorite blog

I don't usually advertise other blogs but Content In A has to be one of the nicest blogs I've seen. I like to look at other's blogs. This is one that I saved when I first started my blog. I haven't looked at it in awhile so thought I'd look at it tonight. It is just a beautiful blog. There's a picture of a real building in Kansas City that is so neat. If you look at the blog, be sure to scroll down to see it!

It's 2009

I can't believe this year is going so fast! It's already the 2nd of January! And it was 75° today. I just loved it!
Randy called me and told me to look at the video of a party they gave him the other day. You can see it on If you look at it, your welcome to leave a comment. What happened was that he and Danielle went to a little gathering at a friend's house. Danielle told Randy that they had to go to the kareoke bar that he used to sing at. So they left and Randy couldn't figure out why no one cared that they were leaving. They got to the bar and there were a lot of people there, and all people that he knows. He wasn't going to stay long. Then his friend Bert had a microphone and asked for everyone's attention. He talked about Randy and the accident. Everyone was cheering and clapping for Randy. There was a big box in the corner and they presented it to Randy. All of his friends took up a collection and had his motorcycle fixed for him! The motorcycle was actually in the bar. He even started it up! He cried. He just couldn't believe it. When Denny watched the video he cried too! Now, I know what you're saying "Oh no! I hope he isn't going to ride again!" That was and still is my fear! He may just ride it one time to see how it feels to be back on. I don't know. I think it is so nice of his friends to think of him like that. He sure has a bunch of nice people around him. He's like a bee that attracts flowers. (backwards but I don't want to call him a flower!) So, if you have extra time and want to see the video, go to and put Randy's motorcycle surprise in the search. It will be sideways for a little while but will straighten out. It's around 6 minutes long.