Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jordan and Fight Club

Jordan is quiet and laid back. So it really surprised me when I found out that he started a fight club at Texas Tech. Oh, it's not like the movie Fight Club so don't get worried that he's like the character in the movie. He started it quite by accident. He went to the gym to do his workouts and someone asked him if he's spar with another guy. No problem. Well, he gave the guy an uppercut and knocked him out! Jordan, his dad and grandpa are big boxing fans. Jordan went with his grandpa to the Golden Gloves in Ft Worth last year. He told his friends about it and they wanted to box too. That's basically how it got started. It's all approved by the college and if it goes over good, they will put it on the school programs next year. There are 25 guys in the club now and 35 more are interested. I asked Jordan if he was going to have califlower ears now and he said that they wear helmets, mouthpieces, gloves and cups.

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