Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ike and the Anniversary of 9/11

Ike is supposed to be joining us in Texas this weekend. I hope that he decides to turn around and leave and not visit us! I'm debating if I should tie my tree down in my backyard. They're predicting 60 MPH winds. Maybe he'll get too pooped out and not get this far into Texas. Or hopefully it will weaken.

I can't believe that it was 7 years ago that the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were hit and many died in the plane that was diverted by the many brave people on the plane to make September 11, 2001 an infamous day in history. It's still sad and our prayers still go out to the survivors and the families of those that lost their lives on that fatal day.

So there are two days in my life that I remember exactly where I was on those days. One November 22, 1963 I was on my way home from the doctor and was due to have my first baby that day. I heard it on the car radio. I had my first son the next day. And on September 11, 2001 I was at an water arobic class at Sandy Pines when a lady came in and announced that a tower was hit. Then a second lady came in and announced that a second one was hit. Then we all knew that it wasn't an accident. Such a sad day in the history of the United States of America. And it's still the best place in the world and I love it here. I'm proud to be an American and no one can ever take that away from us!

1 comment:

Randy said...

Let us also remember everyone who lost their lives at the Pentagon and on the flight that crashed in PA.