Saturday, January 19, 2008


The other day while we were sitting, knitting, drinking coffee/tea/sodas one of the men came up to me and said "Hurry, Jan, get your camera. There is a Bobcat outside but Coach is out there trying to chase them away!". I ran to the door and hollered to Coach to get in the center and quit chasing him away! He did come in. We had to go to another room to see the cat before he went into the woods and I didn't have time to grab my camera. There wasn't one but two Bobcats! They walked to the corner of the woods, turned around and went into the woods. I'm going to have to have my camera ready every day from now on. We had a coyote in the back of the center one day too. I don't know why Coach had to chase them away. He'd probably be the kind that would shoot at them if he had a gun! It's bad enough that we're taking all of the wild animal's homes away. Let's leave the animals alone to live in the little wooded areas that they were left with. They're on this earth for a purpose. They're so beautiful to watch. I'd say keep them out of the zoos too. They need room to move and be free, not be put in cages for inhumans to stare at.

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