Saturday, February 21, 2009


I signed on with Facebook yesterday. I already have people as friends that I am so glad to hear from. Colleen was my boss but also my friend at Meijer. I am so happy for her. She married someone that is really good for her. And her three kids all turned out so good. What a beautiful person she is. And, Lisa. She's been my friend for a long time. Gotta love her! I added Nancy C who shares a sister-in-law with me. Nancy's brother married Denny's sister. I worked with Nancy at Meijer. Bruce, my Allen buddy who seems to get me started on all of these things is my friend. You can check out his blog at He is a great writer and you'd love his blog. I'm also a 'friend' with my grandson, Jordan! Now that's cool to be a friend on Facebook with your grandson, isn't it? Anyway, if you're in Facebook, add me as your friend.

Colleen and her family and Lisa Henry

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