Saturday, August 14, 2010

It Is Soooo Hot Here!

The temperatures have been in the 100s for a couple of weeks now. We should be getting a cooling trend Monday and Tuesday...98°! That's what they said this weekend was going to be but now they moved it forward. Oh, those weathermen. I'm sure they went to the same school as the politicans. And this week another parent 'forgot' that their 2 year old was in the car and left her there for 3 hours!!! The temperature in the car was over 115! No punishment for the parent. Hmmm, they called it an accident. Accidents shouldn't happen like that!!!!
We're in the house when it's hot except when Dallas goes in her pool. Then I sit out there with her with a misting hose on me. But, I'll take heat over cold any day!!

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