Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Check out my Shelfari

You can see the book that I read on this blog by looking at my Shelfari. If I didn't put the books on the shelves, I'd forget what I read. I wish I would have done it years ago. Especially because I read a book years ago and I used to tell people to read it. When I was in the hospital back in 95, I started to tell a nurse about the book and I completely forgot the name of the book! I've searched for it on the internet but,to this day, I cannot remember the name of the book!

I just read two books by Gillian White. They were fantastic. One was called Dogboy. It's about a disturbed young man and a pit bull! I liked it so much that I tried to find more of her books. There was only one at the library. It's called Mothertime. Children lock their mean, drinking mother in a sauna in their basement for four months to try to make her a good mother. It's really a surprising book. She has around 11 more good books. I ordered one from Ebay and I may be getting more from another vendor on Ebay. I'm waiting for an answer about cheap shipping if I order several.

When it's so hot out, you have to do something inside. Oh yeah! I have facebook to keep me busy! Knitting too. But I save that for watching TV in the evenings. I can't wait for the shows to start again. Dexter and Sober House are two that I'm waiting for.

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