Saturday, March 21, 2009


Very early this morning I came to a heart-rendering decision. I've been avoiding it but I guess the time just wasn't right. This morning I knew that it was time. O'Ley would never get better and he cried whenever I'd pick him up. In the last couple of days, he ate less and less. Although I loved him and would miss him, I had to do what was best for him. I called the veterinarian's office where his leg was amputated three years ago. They told me to bring him in. The doctor was very nice and we talked awhile. Uness you've had a pet that you really loved, you would not understand the feelings when you have to think of him instead of your feelings. I cried as I watched O'Ley fall asleep. It was peaceful. I'm feeling better now and I know that I made the right decision.

I still have Willow. He is 15 years old and weights over 25 lbs. I think he will live to be around 20 years old. I'll just give him love until the day comes that I have to make another decision. I think that he will be my last pet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear about O'ley. I know how much you love your pets.

Sue Bronson