Saturday, January 17, 2009

Denny and his health

Denny got a call from his heart doctor the other day. They set up an appointment for him. I guess the monitor that is on his dresser sent info to the place that monitors his defribulator and let them know that his heart acted abnormally for a few minutes during the night before the callfrom the doctor. His doctor was notified that the defribulator did it's job and corrected the problem with his heart. Dr Blatt said that Denny was lucky he had the defibrulator! So, the next day he had an appointment with his regular physician, Dr Anthony. And guess what! Denny has to start taking insulin for his diabetes. Now, he's finally going to start eating the way he far that's what he says. But I think the doctore put the fear into him. Tonight when we go to Stringbean, he's going to eat soup and salad. Me? I'm probably going to have a salad too...but I'm going to have a piece of their delicious coconut cream pie. It's just delicious. When I told LB, my sister, she laughed because she was going to say the same thing. After all, it isn't our genes that are messed up! Denny, Randy and'd better be careful! You have the genes!

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