Monday, December 22, 2008

What a Merry Christmas!!!

Friday I said that it was going to be a good Christmas. That was an understatement! I went to the senior center this morning and we had a good time talking and laughing. Denny called me and told me that my grandson, Jordan, was over so I had to come home. I thought that was weird because he comes to our house a lot when he's home from school. It was time for me to go anyway so I left the center. I went into the house and Jordan, Denny and Dallas were in the family room. Dallas was kind of wimpering like she does when she's tattaling on her grandpa. I asked what she did and I asked her 'what did grandpa do?' All of a sudden from behind me I hear "I think she's scared of me". I turned around and there was Randy and Danielle! They flew in from NC last night. Denny and Sue knew about the surprise and did a good job not letting me know. We were shocked. We went to Kohl's and surprised Jamie this afternoon and then tonight we all went to eat at Texas Road House. My son, Denny, calls it The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. We sat around talking about when the kids were little. Randy and Danielle are going to spend their nights at Denny's and Sue's because they have better accomodations than we do.