Sunday, April 12, 2009

LB and I saved a family today!

This is a true story of what happened to my sister, Laurie, and me today.

We were on our way home from the movie and were almost to Laurie's house. She lives a few blocks from Richland College. As we turned off from Walnut (I think it was Walnut), she noticed something on the next corner, stopped and backed up. There walking down the street was a mother duck and 7 tiny little baby ducklings. I got out of the car and yelled to her as she was getting out of her car "They're heading to the college pond." I followed behind them and she watched traffic as we approached Walnut. It's a very busy street! They would never make it! Laurie stopped a car that was coming down the street toward Walnut as I corralled them away from the middle of the side street. I ran out to stop traffic going west. The lady in the car said that she'd pull her car out to keep the traffic from going. I had to sidetrack them a couple of times so they wouldn't get off track. Laurie ran to the cars going east, put out her arms and stopped traffic. All three lanes stopped and waited. There were several cars in line by that time. I continued to corral the family across the street. They got to the curb and jumped up. The last little duck had a hard time so I quickly put my hands under him and boasted him up. I didn't want to keep my hand there too long so the mother wouldn't reject him if he smelled my scent. Then the family all waddled to a brush that was going to the pond. They were far enough away from the street and heading in the right direction so we knew they were safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You, your sister and the others did your good deed for the day! I applaud you guys! You saved the mother duck and her babies!!Jerri