Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Poor Knee

After months of pain in my knee that spread to my foot every day, I finally decided that I can't continue with the pain. So after three shots that didn't work, pain pills that didn't work (except for Denny's Vs, the doctor sent me for an MRI. I went to the orthopedic doctor Thursday. I'm having surgery next Saturday. I have a torn mediscus that has to be repaired. It's going to be done as an outpatient. So dummy me thought that since it's going to be done as an outpatient with only a couple of cuts, I'll be fine and would be able to continue my life as is without pain. Oh, I knew that I'd have to rehab and that there would be some pain. But I thought that I'd be able to go out to eat Saturday night and go to the movie the next day. NOT! I got a lot of info from others and I will not be going anywhere for a couple of days. I'll work hard at the rehab because I'm not going to be one of those people that have to keep having more surgery because they didn't want to do the rehab! I don't want any more of this continuous pain and my knee giving out! Think about me next week, January 30. Hmm, my friend Betty's birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Good luck with your surgery. I will be thinking of you. You are correct it is my Mom's 80th B-day.
