Friday, July 3, 2009

Tombstones and Cows

Now here are a few facts to ponder.
Do you know why Christian burial plots are East and West with the headstone facing East?
It's because in the Bible, it says that Christ will return from the East and when Christians rise to meet him, they want to be facing him.
OK. Now, did you know that Muslims are buried facing South East? That's because they want to be facing Mecca.
Alright, now on to another subject of direction. Did you know that cows face North or South? It depends on which way the wind blows. They don't like the wind to blow in their faces.
One day when I was working at Raytheon and I was making copies, I was looking at the ranch across the street. Since the copier faced the window, I had time to look. No, I wasn't goofing on the job. Anyway, all of the cows were facing North. I thought that it looked so funny to see all of them facing the same way. I continued to make copies and when I looked out of the window a little later, all of the cows were facing South! I thought that I was losing it. Somewhere between copies, the cows decided to turn. I sure wish I would have seen them do it! So, when you're driving somewhere, look for cow pastures and cemeteries. You'll know which way the wind is blowing and you'll know your directions.

I found a real interesting article on the web, by the way. It's called Cow Psychology. No, the article isn't where I got my information.

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