Friday, January 2, 2009

It's 2009

I can't believe this year is going so fast! It's already the 2nd of January! And it was 75° today. I just loved it!
Randy called me and told me to look at the video of a party they gave him the other day. You can see it on If you look at it, your welcome to leave a comment. What happened was that he and Danielle went to a little gathering at a friend's house. Danielle told Randy that they had to go to the kareoke bar that he used to sing at. So they left and Randy couldn't figure out why no one cared that they were leaving. They got to the bar and there were a lot of people there, and all people that he knows. He wasn't going to stay long. Then his friend Bert had a microphone and asked for everyone's attention. He talked about Randy and the accident. Everyone was cheering and clapping for Randy. There was a big box in the corner and they presented it to Randy. All of his friends took up a collection and had his motorcycle fixed for him! The motorcycle was actually in the bar. He even started it up! He cried. He just couldn't believe it. When Denny watched the video he cried too! Now, I know what you're saying "Oh no! I hope he isn't going to ride again!" That was and still is my fear! He may just ride it one time to see how it feels to be back on. I don't know. I think it is so nice of his friends to think of him like that. He sure has a bunch of nice people around him. He's like a bee that attracts flowers. (backwards but I don't want to call him a flower!) So, if you have extra time and want to see the video, go to and put Randy's motorcycle surprise in the search. It will be sideways for a little while but will straighten out. It's around 6 minutes long.

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