I can only see a couple of lady bugs today. I wonder if my neighbors have them all. Maybe they're hiding under the mulch. Oh well, maybe there aren't enough aphids for them to eat. My gardinia tree has beautiful smelling flowers on it. It's on our front porch because we don't know where to plant it yet. I want it where I can smell the flowers.
Ashley, my teenage granddaugter had her tonsils out yesterday. I hope she's doing ok now. I remember when I had my tonsils out. I went across town on the bus in my pajamas with my mother. (she didn't drive). My aunt picked us up after surgery. They didn't have many outpatient surgeries back in those days. And I didn't go to a hospital. I went to a doctor's office! I woke up and my mother was eating a chicken salad sandwich and she asked me if I wanted a bite. Oh sure! I got a couple of boxes of candy from my aunts. My sisters ate all of the candy. I think I was around 10 or eleven.